Where Learning Happens

Blog Post #1: Learning, Motivation, and Theory

Society 6: Peaks and Valleys Art Print by Adventure & Company

Share a story about how you overcame a learning challenge. Why was it a challenge? What strategies did you use?  Use the language you learned in this unit.

My relationship with learning has consistently been a journey of peaks and valleys; I faced the majority of my valleys during the elementary to middle school years of my education journey. In parent-teacher meetings, my teachers would say that I was an excellent student, yet I had difficulties understanding and learning the material. I loved being in the classroom and learning new things, though when it came to writing or testing the knowledge I learned, my mind went blank. Similar to what is discussed in the Why is Learning Hard? Post. By the time I reached grade seven, I had worked with teaching assistants, gotten extra time for homework, and got tested for various learning disabilities, but all came back with no answer as to why I was having a hard time learning. It wasn’t until that year of grade seven that it all clicked when I finally had a teacher’s aide that understood what I was going through. The teacher introduced strategies that reflect a cognitivist way of learning since I was listening to the information being taught, but I was not absorbing it. Note-taking, colour coding, organization, visuals, and memorization strategies were components of this learning epiphany and helped me succeed in the classroom for the first time.

Fast forward to today, as a university student, I still use similar learning strategies, as they have been beneficial to how I psychologically process information. Although, I’ve noticed that by taking courses and pursuing a degree that aligns with my interests, I’ve experienced fewer challenges than when I was in public school. Through post-secondary, I have developed a self-determination way of intrinsic motivation to learn and continue learning as it genuinely piques my interest while steering me into a career I wish to have, which is teaching. I still find myself having challenges when learning new things and not being as quick to grasp them compared to others in academia. Nevertheless, I don’t let that get me down because by taking courses like EDCI 335 that break down theories and the psychology of learning, I know now everyone faces challenges and has unique ways of learning.


Adventure & Company. (n.d.). Peaks and Valleys Art Print. Society 6. Retrieved from https://society6.com/product/peaks-and-valleys1085449_print. 

University of Victoria. EDCI 335. (September 23, 2022). Why is Learning Hard? https://edtechuvic.ca/edci335/why-is-learning-hard/  


  1. Anastassiya

    Thank you so much for sharing such a personal story! I greatly appreciate your openness! Your experience inspires not to give up! 

    I cannot agree more that metacognitive awareness is essential for deep learning. It allows students to control their learning and adjust strategies based on changes in their comprehension. I am glad that you were able to find strategies that help you learn! 

    By they way, from my experience I can see that grasping materials quickly does not  always guarantee better retention/learning! The more effort we put into learning, the better outcomes. So, you are on the right track :). 

    Also, great job embedding learning materials into your story! 

  2. caitlindoraty

    Hey Chantale!
    Wow, I really enjoyed reading your blog, thank you for sharing your story about your peaks and valleys about learning. I too had a very similar experience in elementary school, like you, a lot of my report cards would highlight that I was an outstanding student, however digesting the information needed work on. I too was allowed extra time on homework; I would take tests or written reports in a separate room than my other classmates and I would have the aid of a teaching assistant. Unfortunately, I still feel like I have not found my groove when it comes to learning. But fortunately, I feel since taking EDCI335, I have been provided with multiple different avenues, and look forward to exploring them in my future classes.

    • Chantale Couch

      Hi Caitlin!

      Thank you so much for sharing your story as well! It’s reassuring to hear I’m not the only one who has faced similar struggles with learning. I think for me I have found strategies and a groove that works, but I feel like there are always more strategies out there to be discovered. And like you said, classes like EDCI 335 can find facilitate the discovery of those different avenues for learning and creates an open-mindedness to learning.


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