How will our interactive learning resource specifically ensure that the needs of all learners can be met?
As discussed in my previous post, my group’s project is to host a synchronous evening webinar on Zoom. Specifically, the focus will be placed on elementary-level teachers looking to expand their knowledge of the French language through the learning method of songs. With this webinar, our interactive learning resource is a sharable presentation on Canva, which will be used to guide learners during the webinar, while also providing supplementary resources such as quizzes, research articles, information pamphlets, and song playlists to use in the classroom and other language learning environments. Each of those resources will be organized in tabs, to be easy to access and faster to find the information needed. We know from the readings this week that there is such a diversity of learners and meeting their needs is crucial in designing. We will accomplish that by providing for various learners, for example, learners who may need interactivity in doing quizzes, having discussions, or asking questions will benefit from our resource. Additionally, visual learners so using colour coding and graphics, learners that thrive off reading articles and listening to discussions or learners who need to do something tangible and provide writing opportunities.
We also want to keep in mind that even though our learners are teachers who have already a range of skill sets, the material we are teaching them is most likely new “we can’t assume that just because someone knows their content or has developed a set of skills that they can share those skills or knowledge effectively with someone else.” (EDCI Inclusive Learning Design, 2022) Presenting our topic and using our interactive resource in a clear and organized way while presenting information that’s digestible and simple to benefit as many learners as we can. We understand that for some sitting at one spot during a Zoom meeting isn’t ideal, we hope that providing real-time experiential singing and then having discussions about what it is and how it’s beneficial can help keep engagement. Additionally, using the polls function on Zoom with check-in questions to see how learners feel during the webinar “providing multiple means of engagement means planning for a variety of pathways into the learning experience and supporting learner self-efficacy.” (EDCI Universal Design, 2022) Lastly, using the universal design approach, we hope to eliminate or minimize learning barriers in our design, so we can try to meet the needs of as many learners as we possibly can.
Foote, A. (2019, October 31). Discovering your learning style. The Pathway Compass.
University of Victoria. EDCI 335. (October 23, 2022). Inclusive Learning Design.
University of Victoria. EDCI 335. (October 23, 2022). Universal Design.
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