(Title used only for comedic effect)

This week, we had the opportunity to have Richard come into the class to talk about the usage of audio and video editing. We specifically played around with iMovie, which was a blast. iMovie is a platform I am very familiar with; I used it to make movie trailers with friends at sleepovers when I was younger. I also used iMovie for video projects in high school and during my undergrad for creative projects. As a summer camp leader, I made music videos and comedy skits with my campers using iMovie. But it was still great to play around with it and try new things with no stakes. Inspired by Richard’s video of goats, I found a goat video of my own in my camera roll and decided to use that; though it wasn’t too long, I added a video of my petting my aunt’s cat Rascal and decided to call my film masterpiece…The Animal Kingdom. The irony that I’m only showing two animal types is part of the creative flare 😉.

We also explored Audacity, which is another software I had used before when one of my friends wanted to record an interview with me for a radio show they were hosting. The version I used then was super out of the day and a little challenging to use, but redownloading the newest one looks like it will be very user-friendly and perfect for our podcast project and other projects. Experimenting with these platforms made me realize how they can be helpful for teachers and students in the classroom; Audacity and iMovie could be used to make short-form lesson videos or have fun with them to create funny teacher morning messages and announcements. When teaching intermediate to middle school students, you can help them use the software for projects, class movies, or creating a class radio show or podcast. The options are limitless, which makes it even more exciting!